Please scroll down for a selection of our violins
Gliga III outfit with case & bow, oil varnished by hand, set up with Aubert bridge, Wittner tailpiece + a set of Tonica strings. Sizes 4/4 $785.00; 3/4 $765.00; 1/2 $695.00; 1/4 $669.00; 1/8 $649.00; 1/9 $645.00, 1/10 and 1/16 $635.00 each.

Gliga II outfit ‘Genova’ with lightweight case & Articul II bow, Violino strings, Aubert bridge, Wittner tailpiece, Sizes 4/4 ($1,080.00) & 3/4 ($975.00) only.

Gliga II outfit, aged dark antique with lightweight case & Articul II bow, Violino strings, Aubert bridge, Wittner tailpiece, Size 4/4 ($989.00)
Gliga II outfit, dark antique with lightweight case & Articul II bow, Violino strings, Aubert bridge, Wittner tailpiece, Size 4/4 ($989.00)
Gliga I outfit, antique Deluxe lightweight case & Articul bow, Wittner tailpiece, Aubert bridge, Violino strings, two piece back – antique finish, 4/4 ($1,360.00)
Gliga 1 outfit, dark antique Deluxe lightweight case & Articul bow, Wittner tailpiece, Aubert bridge, Violino strings, one-piece back – dark antique finish, 4/4 ($1,595.00)
Vasile Gliga violin only, highly flamed, Carpathian spruce front, Dominant strings, Wittner tailpiece, attention to detail, great value professional model ($1,645.00)

Gliga Vasile Superior Italian model One Piece Back – violin only, ‘Italian’ model, highly flamed, Carpathian spruce front, one piece back, Dominant strings, Wittner tailpiece, attention to detail, great professional model ($3,300.00)
Gasparo 4/4 violins “fece in Cina” made for A R Irwin Violins; 4/4 from $495.00 (model V5 with Warchal Ametyst strings) through to $3,495.00 (model V25) with case, bow, Dominant strings, Aubert bridge and Wittner tailpiece. V7 $795.00 with case & bow; V9 $1,095.00 with case & bow; V12 $1,295.00 with case & bow; V16 $1,795.00 with case & bow; V19 $1,985.00 with case & bow; V21 $2,495.00 with case & bow; V23 $2,995.00 with case & bow; V25 $3,495.00 (Pirazzi strings)

Below: Hermann Dolling Junior, Markneukirchen Germany, made circa 1920, $3,495.00 (sold Dec 2020)
Below: Laberte Humbert Freres Mirecourt France 1924
Below: Framus Germany circa 1950 $2,495.00 (now also sold)
Below: JT Lamy Breton Brevette Mirecourt France circa 1920 $2,995.00 (also sold!)
Ian Clarke Biddeston Queensland; $17,600.00 (new) For more information on Ian, visit:
Just arrived:
Edgar Russ Cremona 2022 Linea Macchi with makers’ certificate
Edgar Russ Cremona 2023 Scala Perfetta Guarneri model with makers’ certificate
and many more!